I like it. Unfortunatelly can't explain exactly why, maybe the
contrast between the blue and the dark brown, or all the branch

On 3/16/06, Tim Øsleby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a quick grab walking my dog. But I kind of like it. The sky adds a bit
> of drama, and I like the slightly off centre composition.
> http://foto.no/cgi-bin/bildegalleri/vis_bilde.cgi?id=225419&brukerid=35178&n
> omenus=
> Been thinking about converting it to b&w and add an old fashioned dramatic
> style. But I haven't decided if it's worth the effort yet.
> Comments?
> Tim
> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
> Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large crowds
> (Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other clever guy)

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