Kostas Kavoussanakis wrote:

>On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
>> Perhaps another reason that the DA Limiteds are being designed for
>> compactness and quality rather than speed is that the DSLRs they are
>> designed to work with produce so much cleaner results at ISO 400 to
>> 1600 than the film SLRs that the prior series was designed to
>> complement.
>That's an excellent point Godfrey.

That probably is their reasoning. Still, fast lenses are important
even when you're shooting stopped down (as I almost always do) because
of the brighter viewfinder. Several times while doing pre-dawn
photography I've switched from my 20/2.8 to a faster lens simply
because I couldn't see how my shots were framed with the slow 2.8
aperture. This has happened with the MZ-S and with the ist-D; both
pentaprism cameras with good viewfinders.
Mark Roberts Photography & Multimedia

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