I find it meaningful. It was an emotional experience. The country had just 
about recovered from Viet Nam and Watergate, and things were looking good. I 
had just left a really bad inner city school and was teaching at a much better 
city school. My first born was eight months old and crawling all over the 
house. It was a happy time for me and my family. Somewhere, I have a Chicago 
Tribune of that date, and I think I have the Life magazine as well. I was still 
living in Chicago then, but I remember watching the NY fireworks on television. 
Good for you, Ann.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "ann sanfedele"
> Subject: Re: Faded History: May be of interest to the Americans
> > It does, and it was a special event in NY, which people are missing the
> > point.
> > I see every one mentioning it as if it's only value were its age.
> >
> > 1976 was a significant year for me and I was here for the event - a
> > spectacular floatilla of old
> > and new vessels ( although I dislike the warships in this cover photo,
> > there were lots
> > of older ones that were prettier.)
> >
> > Interestingly , June of 1976 I took a two week trip to the Canadian
> > Rockies - my first
> > such entirely on my own to heal myself mentally after a great loss.
> >
> > There are probably a lot of very well preserved copies of it floating
> > (no pun) around
> > but unless someone else really has a strong desire for it for a great
> > reason, I'd love it.
> >
> > I started to write off list, but when I saw some of the responses to it
> > decided differently.
> >
> I had thought it would be a somewhat more significant memento as well. I 
> recall 1976 as being a year of celebration for the USA, being it's 200th 
> anniversary, and I recall the fireworks display that New York city put on 
> for July 4th made our national news.
> Anyway, the July 4 1976 copy of the New York Times that I found in the 
> rafters of the condo I am working on has been claimed.
> William Robb 
> -- 
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