Well, my hat's off to both you and Boris.

I was writing OO code in the early-middle 1980s, taught several  
classes on the subject, and was an OOPSLA conferree. I won several  
citations for code style at various times with both linear and OO  

C++ is simply impenetrable to me. I find it a seriously damaged,  
bloated language with too much overloaded stuff added to support high  
level features that are not at all intuitive or sensible in their  
side effects, and it is very very difficult to debug properly. Having  
worked for a long time in very close conjunction with the compiler/ 
linker/debugger development team at Apple, I know just how much most  
of the people who work on the C++ language despise it too. Bjorn  
ought to be ashamed.

But enough of this form of geekiness for me. Taken any pictures lately?


On Jan 27, 2007, at 7:39 PM, John Francis wrote:

> Writing clear, concise code is never easy.  But if you start out
> with a well-written piece of C code with clear distinctions between
> functional elements and sub-tasks, and a clearly-defined API for
> tasks that cross module boundaries, it's not too difficult to shuffle
> the code around into C++ code which is at least as easy to understand
> as the original C.
> Fortunately for me, that pretty much matches how I design and write
> code.  I'll start off with some fairly straightforward linear code
> that performs the task in question.  Then I'll look for chunks of
> code that perform pretty much the same kind of subtask, and see if
> I can abstract them into methods operating on a class object (and
> maybe add a subclass/superclass to handle variations).
> Basically if you have the kind of mind that's good at spotting
> patterns you should be able to write fairly good C++ code.
> I've been doing object-oriented programming since before the term
> was invented; for just one example, kernel I/O programming (back
> in the days before Unix came to dominate the mainframe world).
> The various calls between the core kernel and the device drivers
> are really just methods, and the device data block is an object.
> In fact I/O all levels, from the kernel to the usel-level APIs,
> is a task which seems a perfect fit for object-oriented code.

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