Hi Feroze.
I too use the EZ-Cube with 3 cheap compact florescents in white reflectors.
These bulbs were $15.00 US for the 3 and last a very long time.
I set manual WB once from the white material of the cube and haven't had
to reset it in well over 2 years. I shoot strictly jpegs for eekBay stuff.
Daylight balanced bulbs are a bit more money but would allow you to shoot
with a preset, rather than manual, WB. Auto WB has never worked well for
me in this application.
The biggest advantage to this (vs flash) is being able to see, and
shadows before exposure. Since my items are all different colors, shapes and
sizes, this saves me a LOT of time.

The results are consistently very good, here's an example of a difficult
Shiny, all black cameras with just a bit of chrome are very hard to shoot.


> -----Original Message-----
> Feroze
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 7:17 PM
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Light Tent / Box
> I've bought this : http://www.ezcube.com/. I'm trying to build a little
> portable kit where I can go to the customer and shoot his jewellery,
> some of their insurance dose not apply off the premises and some are
> just to valuable to move around (I don't want to take the risk). Would a
> normal flash (I have one fgz360 so far) be suitable as a light source
> for this? Daylight bulbs are very hard to get here, and I'm really
> struggling to get a proper WB on my K10D so I'm trying to avoid
> florescent or other light sources.
> I can't test it as its still in transit, tought I get the rest of the
> stuff together....
> Your advice and past experiences is highly appreciated.
> Feroze
> --
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