Shoot RAW with auto white balance and set the color temperature  
during conversion. That's the way I work in the studio and just  
about  everywhere else.
On May 3, 2007, at 5:39 AM, Feroze wrote:

> Hi Don,
> Shiny gold and silver are even harder :) My main problems at the  
> moment
> are eliminating the reflections of the light stands, the camera, me on
> very shiny gold bands, hence the light tent. Please explain how you  
> set
> the WB from the fabric. WB is my bug bear at the moment. Its  
> driving me
> nuts. As for composition, I have a pair of 150W studio lights and just
> use the modeling lights to check for shadows. However I am not  
> carrying
> around all this equipment, I have to look at these florescent lights
> Feroze
> Don Sanderson wrote:
>> Hi Feroze.
>> I too use the EZ-Cube with 3 cheap compact florescents in white  
>> reflectors.
>> These bulbs were $15.00 US for the 3 and last a very long time.
>> I set manual WB once from the white material of the cube and  
>> haven't had
>> to reset it in well over 2 years. I shoot strictly jpegs for  
>> eekBay stuff.
>> Daylight balanced bulbs are a bit more money but would allow you  
>> to shoot
>> with a preset, rather than manual, WB. Auto WB has never worked  
>> well for
>> me in this application.
>> The biggest advantage to this (vs flash) is being able to see, and
>> eliminate,
>> shadows before exposure. Since my items are all different colors,  
>> shapes and
>> sizes, this saves me a LOT of time.
>> The results are consistently very good, here's an example of a  
>> difficult
>> 'subject':
>> Shiny, all black cameras with just a bit of chrome are very hard  
>> to shoot.
>> Don
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Behalf Of
>>> Feroze
>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 7:17 PM
>>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> Subject: Light Tent / Box
>>> I've bought this : I'm trying to build a  
>>> little
>>> portable kit where I can go to the customer and shoot his jewellery,
>>> some of their insurance dose not apply off the premises and some are
>>> just to valuable to move around (I don't want to take the risk).  
>>> Would a
>>> normal flash (I have one fgz360 so far) be suitable as a light  
>>> source
>>> for this? Daylight bulbs are very hard to get here, and I'm really
>>> struggling to get a proper WB on my K10D so I'm trying to avoid
>>> florescent or other light sources.
>>> I can't test it as its still in transit, tought I get the rest of  
>>> the
>>> stuff together....
>>> Your advice and past experiences is highly appreciated.
>>> Feroze
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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