On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 06:16:59PM -0600, William Robb wrote:
> Interesting thought, but if the terrorists know that they will be harrassed 
> if seen skulking 
> around carrying a big camera, would they not disguise themselves as ordinary 
> families on 
> vacation or some such, and use a less auspicious camera?

That was exactly my thought.

But, of course, none of the so-called "precautions" are anything of the kind;
it's just that people feel they have to do something to avoid feeling helpless.

A couple of weeks ago I was harassed by a couiple of security guards on the
gate of an organic foods farm about twenty miles from here.  They told me I
wasn't allowed to photograph their sign outside the gates.  I suggested that
as I was on a public highway, and the whole purpose of the sign was to attract
the attention of people driving past the facility, I was quite free to take
any photograph that I chose.  They eventually decided that it was OK as long
as I stayed off their driveway.  I was quite prepared to take that one as far
as necessary, but I stayed polite and non-confrtontational, and there was no
need to escalate the issue.

It turned out to be a pretty crappy photograph, but that's not the point :-)

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