Jostein, I agree with you 100% about tools. That said, a relationship that 
started (my personal case) 32 years ago may be better uderstood if we avoid the 
word "tool".

The moment I needed a different tool, I bought it. The moment I no longer 
needed the tool, I sold it. Some of the tools came from Canon (FD series, 2 
cameras + 4 lenses), some from Nikon, Ricoh, others were rather large 
(Sinar+Schneiders), some medium sized (first a Pentax 67+ Takumars, later 
Hasselblad + Zeiss), one is waterproof (Nikon, still with me, tool all the same 

My Pentax gear remains mostly with me - sold some to buy tools, but most 
remains with me. Guess that would not describe the surviving as tools. I did 
sell some Pentax gear - maybe those were in the tool range?

Km - 1976 ~ 1983 maybe a tool, sold when needed, not exactly missed
K2 - 1981~1985 - tool, rather good one
LX - since 1981 - not a tool, hope it will be restored again someday
Zx5 - 1997 ~ 2001 - tool, despite good looking and superb in ergonomics
Mx - since 2008 - not tools (2 of them, one to be restored next year)
Pz1p - since 2008 - not so sure yet... ask me again in 2~3 years

Luiz Felipe
luiz.felipe at

ps: I like black and chromed cameras myself - would consider a subdued silver/ 
medium grey as well. White, only as a tool - part of a deep snow shooting gear, 

Fri, 19 Dec 2008 10:43:16 +0100, AlunFoto <> escreveu:

> Sorry, but that kind of rant makes me think your real issue may be
> located somewhere else than between motif and memory card.
> The camera is just a tool. If the tool doesn't fit your needs, find
> another one.
> For my part, I like Pentax tools. I just happen to be somewhat
> traditionalist when it comes to colour.
> Jostein

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