Since the fa and the Super Takumar have pretty much identical optical formulas and the FA has much improved coatings I doubt that the Tak. will be better. I always found the 50 f1.7 to be very good but in extreme situation you'll get flair with any lens.

On 2/20/2010 6:48 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
Our dojo is doing belt tests this week. I was taking pictures this morning and my p-fa 50/1.4 had lots of nasty flare from the light coming in through the windows. While the remaining tests will be in the evening, for future reference would the M 50/1.7 or the supertakumar 50/1.4 be noticeably better at reducing flare?

Since I needed to keep changing lenses to get the right focal length, I was really wishing I had a 16-50. I expect that for the evening tests, I'll wish I had a 16-50 and a K-x.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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