OK, so I want to stick about 5 kg of spotting scope (127mm catadioptric)
on a tripod; I've figured out that a Jobu Designs gimbal head will work
with something that size, so I'm OK for answering "what head do I get?"
but am currently wandering off into the weeds in all directions trying
to sort out tripod legs.

Ideally, I want something that:
    - has no centre column
    - is about 54" high fully extended (52 is not too low, but 50" is;
      56" would be usable)
    - isn't heavy
    - isn't Feisol, since I though the 3442 would be about ideal and
      they just bait-and-switched me (got an email saying they wouldn't
      fulfil the order taken by their online ordering system at that price)
    - has, or has the option of, spike feet
    - can be had in Canada without resort to surreptitious parachuting

And, of course, doesn't cost the earth.  I figured the collective wisdom
of the list would be a good place to start enquires, and since I do
intend to attach the thing to a Pentax camera (1500/f12; better be a
sunny day...) some of the time it's even on topic!

-- Graydon

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