Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Sessoms" <>
Subject: RE: tripod advice sought

From: Graydon
OK, so I want to stick about 5 kg of spotting scope (127mm catadioptric)
on a tripod; I've figured out that a Jobu Designs gimbal head will work
with something that size, so I'm OK for answering "what head do I get?"
but am currently wandering off into the weeds in all directions trying
to sort out tripod legs.

Ideally, I want something that:
    - has no centre column

I believe most Gitzo tripods allow you to unscrew the center column from the platform at the top and use the platform by itself.

Actually, while you can remove the center column & attaching plate, you must replace it with a flat plate that includes just the screw for attaching a head. Of course you can also get most Gitzos with just the flat plate and forego the center column altogether. This is how I've purchased the Gitzos I've used, as the extendable column lessens the stability of the tripod assembly.

I have a Gitzo 3530LS that can handle all my camera/lenses up and including a 600mm and the tripod itself is lighter than the light/medium duty Bogen I use to own. Height wise its just right for me & I'm 6'3".

But new Gitzos don't qualify as cheap.

The Manfrotto 190XWNB (which appears to be an improved Bogen 3021) has a "low angle adapter" built into the center column. Basically you take the bottom off the center column, flip it over and insert it in place of the center column and it has a 3/8" threaded stud for mounting whatever head you want. That gets you down as low as 3.3"

It has retractable spiked feet, but only extends to 46-1/2" without the center column. It's about $200 from B&H.

    - is about 54" high fully extended (52 is not too low, but 50" is;
      56" would be usable)
    - isn't heavy
    - isn't Feisol, since I though the 3442 would be about ideal and
      they just bait-and-switched me (got an email saying they wouldn't
fulfil the order taken by their online ordering system at that price)
    - has, or has the option of, spike feet
    - can be had in Canada without resort to surreptitious parachuting

And, of course, doesn't cost the earth.  I figured the collective wisdom
of the list would be a good place to start enquires, and since I do
intend to attach the thing to a Pentax camera (1500/f12; better be a
sunny day...) some of the time it's even on topic!

-- Graydon

In your position, I'd just browse B&H's web site and find the one that fits my needs and then look for a place in Canada that stocks it at a price I was willing to pay.

In my position, I'd just order what I need from B&H (if one of my two local independent camera stores didn't stock it), since I don't have to hassle with customs to get stuff from NYC.

Although I think the hassles come from Canadaian Customs rather than from B&H.

And at that, I thought Canada was part of NAFTA. Why *IS* there a hassle with Canadian Customs?

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