From: "Bob W"
I'm getting to be that way as well. I usually drive a car for at least
> miles before even thinking about getting a new one, and that is only when
> keeping the old car running costs the same as a monthly payment on a new
> car.
> >
> Hell, I usually only buy a car AFTER it has 100,000 miles on it.  Then I
drive it
> until it is no longer drivable.  230,000 so far on the Subaru Legacy....
cars? I can't imagine that I'll ever have a car again.

Yeah, but don't you live somewhere that has decent bus & train service, not to mention being within walking or cycling distance of most everything you need?

If I could do that, I wouldn't have a car either.

Well ... not a real car.

I'd get my MG running again, but that's not really for transportation.

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