> It was not a misuse of quotation marks.  It was a subtle reminder that
> I refuse to accept pretensions that some people are better than others
> because of "royal" or "noble" lineage.
> Dan M

they're not better than us because they're royal. They're royal because
they're better than us.

Or something like that.

Or at least, they're royal because their ancestors were better at killing in
large numbers than our ancestors. Or better at forging political alliances
with other killers. Or better at some forms of political prestidigitation. 

And it's genetic. It must be because they're still doing it and we're still
paying them, when we should have cut all their heads off centuries ago.

No, wait. We did.

And they're still there. And we're still paying them.

They're royal because they're hydra-headed monsters from the planet
Tralfamadore. And very much in love.

So it goes.


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