I wrote:

Christine, I don't think the P-TTL works perfectly (far from that!), but the bad problem you are reporting usually happens when you use aperture priority and have aperture & ISO settings so that he camera would use fast shutter speeds (e.g. 1/500 sec) in bright sunlight. At that point, by activating the flash, you force the shutter speed to say /1/160 sec (or slower, in case of camera/flash set to slow-speed synch) and that's enough for getting bad overexposure, with the added flash light on top of it. It happened to me and that's the reason for the mess. When using the flash for compensating backlight, check that the shutter speed set by the flash activation won't overexpose available light! In case, either change aperture/ISO or set high-speed synch.

Hmmm... perhaps that's not the problem, since you wrote it happened at the end of the day. Hower, check the aperture/ISO settings in use, just in case...


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