Pentax doesn't want to repeat the MZ-D debacle. The MZ-D would have been among the first affordable, hell it would have been the first FF DSLR camera, in 2002. Quite a feat for Pentax to have for their first foray into the DSLR market. It was only 6mp but at the time most DSLR's were 6mp. They thought that they were steeling a march on Canon and Nikon. Unfortunately two things intervened Kodak and Canon both announced much higher resolution full frame DSLRs (the DCS 14n and EOS-1Ds), and the Philips sensor that Pentax was designing the camera around was, very disappointing.

Pentax was already showing the camera around and even had working samples out for testing. Between those, depending on how you count them, two or three unfortunate events, Pentax decided that they couldn't profitably market the MZ-D. It was never released though an MZ-D body, (also known as the MR-42), was pictured on an Asian camera site with K-1 silk screened on it's top plate where Pentax DSLRs have their model displayed.

On 7/3/2013 7:35 PM, Zos Xavius wrote:
Yes. The 12-24 was tokina designed and Pentax also shared the 50-135
design with Tokina. I believe Pentax developed that particular lens. I
believe there may be some other Tokina designed lenses with the Pentax
name on them over the years. In fact Pentax has had a long history of
licensing optical designs and/or rebadging lenses from third parties.
The plastic fantastic slower FA 100 macro comes to mind as well as a
few budget A series lenses and even some of the K-mount 80s Takumars.
The new 18-250 or whatever superzoom is just a rebadged Tamron at 2x
the price. There was a solid rumor that Tokina and Pentax have been
working together on some new full frame lenses, but its hard to say
what's really going on with full frame development right now. There
was some initial disclosure and then they suddenly because very quiet
on the subject again. First it was fall 2012.....then fall 2013 an
announcement was to be made. Well, now I hear rumors that its being
pushed back to spring 2014. Also the 645D upgrade that was supposed to
be in the works is still a no show. Not really encouraging if you ask
me. I guess time will tell. Pentax really needs to focus on some new
APS-C lenses. The 16-45 and 12-24 are long overdue for replacement and
are both pretty much out of production. The 55-300 could use a refresh
with some WR as well.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 7:23 PM, steve harley <> wrote:
on 2013-07-03 15:39 John Sessoms wrote

Does Tokina still make any lenses in Pentax mount?

i think the point is that Pentax & Tokina have (had?) an agreement where
Tokina would produce the same lens design in other mounts, but not in K
mount, which is why Tokina doesn't seem to produce K-mount lenses

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