I didn't do that! :-)

On 2/24/2014 18:57, John wrote:
Ah yes.  Handing the deck to operator on duty... They always looked at
us students as though we might have punched once too often.


On 2/24/2014 3:33 PM, Ann Sanfedele wrote:

On 2/24/2014 15:13, Ann Sanfedele wrote:
As the story goes, it went " So chat size shall we make these?
Damn typos - make that "what size"

pulled out a dollar bill (in the late 40's?) and said  "here - mkae it
this size (or something like that)


On 2/24/2014 10:19, John Mullan wrote:
Here's a bit of trivia.  The original 80 column Hollerith card was the
same size as the dollar bill then in circulation.  Since then the size
of the dollar bill was shrunk.


-----Original Message----- From: Peter McIntosh
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 4:35 AM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: OT - The good old days (computer-wise)

On 24 February 2014 07:37, steve harley <p...@paper-ape.com> wrote:

i found it by way of this amusing tool which executes google searches
by teletype:


i didn't use punch cards much - at university i was lucky to plunge
directly into interactive CRT terminal use in 1978; on the side i had
a research assistantship with Arthur Swersey, a disarmingly
non-conformant biz school professor who wouldn't blink when i showed
up at his office in bare feet and cutoffs; one of my many tasks with
Prof. Swersey was to set up some SIMULA jobs to run on an IBM 360; i
think that, about 1981, was my only contact with punch cards, and it
felt pretty old-fashioned

This is great!  I'm taking that link to work tomorrow to show the
"gun" web-devs what they missed. Along with my 96-column IBM punchcard
template, if I can find it. Makes a great coffee coaster...

I used 80-column punch cards on Burroughs machines from the late 70's
thru the mid-80's. The whole cold-start deck for b4xxx mainframes was
on cards.  You dropped the (very large) deck on pain of death...
manual resorting was punishment.

Also used to boot a couple of their "mini" mainframes from cassette.


Pete Mac in Melbourne

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