Thanks, Charles. The kit you mention is essentially what I plan to carry for regular use, though I will add the IR body and 100mm macro. In my case the Q kit fills the "just a small camera" niche since even the whole kit is quite small.


On 9/2/2014 3:03 PM, Charles Robinson wrote:
On Sep 1, 2014, at 19:56 , Mark C <> wrote:

Next week my wife and are taking a vacation to the Washington DC area. I plan 
on checking out the exhibit where I have a couple of photos in Annapolis - and 
that will be one afternoon or morning of our trip. Otherwise I am anticipating 
a blend of urban / rural experience in Washington DC, Baltimore and Maryland's 
eastern shore. We have one wildlife refuge on the eastern shore that I really 
want to visit (if I can figure out where it is).

OK - so I am trying to travel light. The biggest impediment to that is bringing 
backup bodies and lenses. When you travel - do you carry backup gear or just 
trust to fate that everything will work?

Here's my travel kit - WAY less than what you would want, but it's what works 
for me:

  K5 body
  compact tripod (Ultrapod II)
  AF540FGZ for the rare occasion when flash is needed.  It usually never comes 
out of the bag.
  Spare battery and charger

  Canon S95 for "I don't want a big camera with me" occasions
  spare battery and charger

  For the truly-important photography assignments (I'm the official photographer for the 
"Group Photo" at the Twins Days festival I attend every year), I bring the K7 
as a backup body... but I've never had to use it.

This all fits nicely in the bottom of my Fastpack 250.  Good for travel.  Camera is 
"out of the way and don't have to think about it" if I'm doing things that are 
not photography-related.

I would pack differently if I was traveling specifically with photography (and 
not general recreation/touring) in mind.  To my mind, you are overpacking to 
the extreme.

FWIW I will be taking a trip to DC in late September, and the above is my entire kit that 
I'm bringing with me.  Should be a good trip.  If I owned a 12-24 or a 10-20 I'd take it 
with me as I'm sure there are going to be a number of "oh my, this isn't wide 
enough" situations.  I'll have to use the GoPro clone or use the pano mode on the 
iPhone to catch those, I guess.


Charles Robinson -
Minneapolis, MN

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