Am 19.03.15 um 03:03 schrieb Rick Womer:

So, in five years, active members are down by half, and the number of
posts is down by 3/4.

In the early days of the PDML (don't even remember when I joined), there were very few internet forums. Now, there are dozens. They seem to have more appeal, not lastly because photos can be included right in the individual messages, which certainly is a plus for a photo forum. On the downside, the admins and moderators are back.

I still remember the olden days when we had dial-up mailboxes run by owners and admins who thought they were God's gift to the online world and everybody had to be of their opinion or better leave. The same attitude is to be found in most forums nowadays. Some time ago, I joined one on a transport theme and unkowingly dared question a statement by someone I didn't know was the "owner" of the forum. My further contributions were immediately set to moderated and when I asked for the reason I received a long tirade about "cyber bullying, bickering and snyde remarks" and daring to bite the hand that fed me this wonderful forum. I'm way out of kindergarten age and had my account deleted at once.

Another reason may be the fact that some mail and news cleint software has been made obsolete. I still miss MacSoup and the fact that I'm quite unhappy with Thunderbird also shows in the number of my contributions on here. For the same reason I've quit Usenet altogether.

The PDML may not be as active as it used to be, but it still is a wonderful place and let's all hope it is here to stay for a long time.


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
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