I bought the K-01 for two-three reasons: 

- It's small and unobtrusive (yes, even despite being bright yellow).
- It works well, as others have said, for the more casual kinds of shooting 
with a limited range of lenses due to its size and viewfinder setup.
- I really like the design for itself … It's the abstraction, the essence, of 
an SLR; a statement derived of its forebears. 

I like that it works well, configured with the two lenses I got for it, with 
direct optical viewfinders. That happens to be how I like to shoot a good bit 
of the time. It is, to me, a complement to an SLR the same way that my Leica X 
is a complement to a Leica M-P. 

If that was all the kind of shooting I did, it would be enough and I would just 
use it (or the X, etc). But my shooting interests are such that I'll use it 
more pointedly and have other, more versatile equipment to handle the larger 
scope of my shooting needs/desires. 


> On Oct 30, 2015, at 5:49 AM, Daniel J. Matyola <danmaty...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Mark Roberts
> <postmas...@robertstech.com> wrote:
>> I find the LCD > great for street photography; people don't pay as much 
>> attention to
>> you because you look like less of a "serious photographer".
>> For travel use (bicycle, motorcycle and hiking in my case) the K-01
>> would be my pick. For general photography (if I were to have only one
>> camera) I'd go with the SLR.
> That is exactly my feelings.  I use the K-01 for street photography,
> snaps of people at an event, and some travel when photography is not a
> prime purpose of the excusion, and my SLT (K-5 II S) for general
> photography, macros, landscapes, etc.
> Dan Matyola
> http://www.pentaxphotogallery.com/danieljmatyola

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