Their stated objective is to restore the Caliphate to their ideal of its
maximum extent in the 7th & 8th centuries.

That includes all of the Iberian Peninsula,; Septimania; Aquitaine,
Midi-Pyrenees & Poitou-Charentes - as far north as Poitiers; the Balkans
to the Gates of Vienna; all of northern Africa including Kenya,
Tanzania, Mozambique, South Sudan, Chad, Central African Republic,
Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Mauritania and the various states along
the Gulf of Guinea & western Africa; Pakistan, Afghanistan & most of
India & Sri Lanka; Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

If that's not "World Domination", it's still close enough for government

Whether or not they can actually accomplish all that is questionable,
but they certainly have no qualms about murdering innocent civilians
anywhere in order to advance those claims. And they have no qualms about
killing all the Jews, whether in Israel or otherwise.

There's plenty of room for debate on the best way fight Islamic
Extremism without driving moderate Muslims into the arms of ISIS/ISIL.
There's a difference between Islam and Islamic Extremism. But, I'm
afraid that as things stand right now, Muslims who are not Islamic
Extremists are not yet doing enough to combat the extremists hiding in
their midst.

Recognizing that ISIS/ISIL are a threat and are intent on conquest,
spreading their interpretation of religion by the sword & the gun is not
anti-Islamic fervor.

And the claim that Germany and Japan were not seeking "World Domination"
in WWII is just willfully ignorant. It's right up there with Holocaust

On 11/15/2015 1:02 PM, knarf wrote:
ISIS or ISIL  or whatever they're called have no plans to "dominate
the world". At least no realistic plans that need be taken

It's unlikely they want to expand the Caliphate outside the Middle
East and possibly North Africa.

That map of their "5 year plan" that circulated several months ago
in right-wing media outlets and social media is very likely a fraud
or someone's pipe dream. I wouldn't be suprised if it were concocted
to fan the flames of anti-islamic fervor, much like the Articles of
the Elders of Zion in the late 19th century.

"World Domination" is attributed to enemies all the time - it
happened to Germany and Japan in WWII and neither had such designs.
But it's a great propaganda tool to whip up local sentiment.

Anyway, the point of this, and my last post, isn't to point fingers
or blame anyone. Look, ISIS is evil. Full stop. They're killing way
more people in Syria and Iraq than the Coalition or the Iraq

But the West can expect more violent bloodshed at ISIS' hands in the
future. And when ISIS goes away it'll be someone else blowing up
people. We should do our best to stop it. Because it's going to
happen, again and again.



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