I had the same experience when using the new 28-105. This lens has the focusing ring very close to the body. The lens has manual focus overide and the ring turns too easy. Quite often I touch it unintentionally after autofocusing.

On 08-Jan-17 22:04, Gonz wrote:
Question: How is the K-1 autofocus, as compared to say, a K-5?  I was
looking through a batch of pictures I took recently at a family
gathering and was appalled by the autofocus performance.  Many of the
shots were off, lost forever.  So bad that I started looking at other
systems like Nikon D500, etc, which reviewers say is on par with their
flagship D5.

I just don't want to invest in a 2K camera if they haven't at least
made this essential (to my tired old eyes) part work much better.  No
matter that I have $$$$ tied up in so many Pentax lenses.

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