No help. Except I have a lot of slides too. I still have an Epson flatbed slide scanner which I saved if I ever get around to my piles of slides. (When I first started photography I quickly switched from regular film and shot slide film instead.)

It does an amazingly good job, frankly. The only problem is dust. A microfiber cloth helps. And if the dust is kept low enough, then it's not too big a job to clean up the remainder in post processing. And it's a lot cheaper than a big slide machine. Also I am sure some of the newer Epson flat bed scanners are even better than mine.

But I am pretty sure that is not what you are looking for.

Marnie (aka Doe)

On 4/7/2017 8:45 AM, Doug Brewer wrote:
I've been cleaning out my storage room in the basement, AKA The Camera
and Computer Museum, and have uncovered boxes and boxes of slides, some
of which are passable photos, and have become interested in maybe
scanning some of them. I've looked here and there at digital slide

So my query, if you haven't figured it out by now, is if any of you have
gone down this path, and whether you have found a decent scanner. I'd
appreciate any guidance.

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