generous words Cotty. appreciate it. 

we started from an altitude of about 8000 ft, went down about 600 ft,
and then climbed non-stop to about 15,500 ft over four days. and then
the rest of the trek was in the range of about 10,000-12,000 ft. most
of us are runners (joggers)/cyclists, except for one who had a bit of a
hard time but even she managed ok in the end. 

two of the guys had brought their 16-/17-year-old daughters who had
just passed out of high school, it was their first trek but
surprisingly they did better than most of us. more than the altitude,
it was the unseasonal heavy snow and the subzero temperatures
exacerbated by windchill which were tough to handle since for most of us
it was the first real experience of snow. but we survived. the couple or
three of bottles of tequila someone had thoughtfully brought along no
doubt helped :)

On Mon, 8 May 2017 09:32:34 +0100
"Steve Cottrell" <> wrote:

> I think when one looks at images like these, in all their splendour,
> it really gives a sense of how tiny we are as human beings when
> compared to Mother Earth. Beautiful gallery Subers, just lovely to
> look at and (try and) take in.
> What sort of altitude did you reach, and was it comfortable ?

> >

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