John Wed, 17 May 2017 16:12:19 -0700 wrote:

Why does it need to be installed? Wouldn't just a CD with folders to organize the photos suffice?

Not installed. I am considering that it would run a photo viewer or a web browser (unless autorun is disabled). That's for those who don't know what to do with Jpeg files..

Boris and Stan:
Yes, I hear you, and I use a very similar way of passing photographs to
people - via various *box cloud storage or my-own website.
In this case, the format is chosen by the teachers. It's either because they are used to that, or because they want to give people something tangible (or both). I will try to talk to them, but I am not going to insist. (And I won't be burning all the CDs myself. ... probably )

Stan, thank you for offering to check the format.. Unfortunately, it will be happening all too quickly that I won't have time for that.



On Wed, 17 May 2017, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

Hi All!

The end of the school year is a busy time... I've been a bit swamped, but I have an urgent and important question for which I hope some PDMLers might have some good suggestions.

My kid's school teacher asked to put together photos (mine and teachers') so that they will given on a CD to each kid in the class. (I've been taking a lot of photos at various school events throughout the year.) So, I am thinking how to structure that CD. So, all your practical suggestions are welcome.

Here is the way I am thinking about it right now:
1. The simplest thing would be just to have a bunch of folders that are titled as date+event name.

Since it should be easy for the end-users (parents, and not all of them a computer-comfortable or even computer-literate), I am thinking if it would be better to build also simple HTML galleries (in addition to just photos). Personally, as a customer, I'd prefer just a simple set of folders with JPEGs to be viewed by a "standard" (or customer-installed) photo viewer, but I am a bit more computer-literate... What do you think?

2. I can set "autorun.inf" for Windows to start something... (e.g. the main index.htm file if I were to create web-galleries)
While there are ways to do the same for Mac, e.g. by following this scenario:
I don't have an easy access to a Mac, so, it is not an option for me...
So, most likely, even if I were to do that for Windows, nothing special will be done for a Mac.

3. From what I understand, starting from OS-X, a joliet-format CD is not a problem for a Mac anymore (i.e. I don't need to worry about building a "hybrid"-format CD). But I wonder, with a modern Mac, what happens when you insert a CD with a set of folders containing JPEGs into a Mac: will it offer to open a photo viewer (if nothing is configured to happen as discussed in #2 above)?

4. I assume some of you may have provided your customers with a CD of photographs. What type of format did you do in that case? Anything beyond just a simple set of JPEGs?

Thank you,


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