On Wed, 17 May 2017 21:01:25 -0400 Stanley Halpin wrote:
>>> But I wonder, with a modern Mac, what happens when you insert a CD with a 
>>> set of folders containing JPEGs into a Mac: will it offer to open a photo 
>>> viewer (if nothing is configured to happen as 
discussed in #2 above)?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Igor
>> I believe it will totally depend on how the user preferences are set. On my 
>> iMac, a CD with folders of photos is just like any other set of folders. 
>> If/when I double-click on an actual image file (not a folder 
or sub-folder), then Something will rise up to digest that file and render it 
in all its glory. It might be Preview, it might be Photos, it might be Elements 
or it might be Lightroom. etc. All depends on 
Preferences. Most likely it will not be an app that will smoothly allow for 
right-arrow/left-arrow movement from image to image. A lot of open file, view, 
close file, and repeat
Actually, when preview is the one used (default unless changed by the user),
it is quite easy to view a complete folder of JPG images.

You use 'Finder' (the directory browser) to navigate to the folder, 
double-click to open it.

Once in the folder use 'cmd+A' to select all files,  the double-click on any
of the selected ones to open all of them in preview.

Preview has a sidebar with thumbnails, and you can use up/down arrow keys
to go through the set. You can also switch to full-screen mode, and the
arrow keys still work then (but the sidebar is gone :)

To move to the next folder, close preview, and return to the 'finder' window.

Regards, JvW

Jan van Wijk;   http://www.dfsee.com
Flickr : jvw_pentax

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