Then it must have been a MP4 that I edited about 5 years ago.

Trouble is, I have a sneaking suspicion I downloaded editing software that was good for a month trail run (before it expired) to edit frame by frame a videotape of Bill McKibben (who once spoke at our church).

Because I definitely remember doing that when I cut off the introduction and and the Q&A at the end. I remember not only editing the picture part frame by frame, but the audio part too with a pretty decent basic editor. Not that I did any fancy editing, just cutting things off having them sync well enough. Maybe I can find it again.

I haven't really opened Windows Movie Maker for years, I know I used it for the titles, but maybe not much more than that. We shall see.

Marnie aka Doe    Hey, stills are  my thing, not videos. Heh.

On 10/25/2017 1:25 PM, Steve Cottrell wrote:
On 25/10/17, Marnie (aka Doe), discombobulated, unleashed:

I guess I should add I used Video Premier Elements 11 to edit a MP3
about 5 years ago. Another speaker. But it was just adding a title
screen, and "the end," and cutting off the Q&A at the end.
Mp3 is an audio export format - it cannot contain video.

Mp4 is a video compression container (for video and audio export). Variations 
are also also used by many camera manufacturers as a way of compressing video 
ready to be 'uncompressed' into it's full glory for editing. You shouldn't be 
editing Mp4 files - they need to be unwrapped into a format suitable for the 
editing software first.

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