> On Dec 20, 2017, at 1:28 PM, mike wilson <m.9.wil...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Not really fair, that.  As a development engineer, you have a completely
> different viewpoint on products to a normal consumer.  I wonder if you would 
> be
> so sanguine if your Bladerunner flying car was always having near misses?

If I was flying a Bladerunner car prior to its being a full, certified 
production machine with all relevant safeties and control systems finalized, 
I'd be a test pilot. I'd know *exactly* what I was getting into and what the 
risks were.

That's rather different from being given essentially an early- to 
not-quite-release-ready- production camera along with a pile of marketing hype 
to guide your expectations, wouldn't you agree? 

No matter where you go, there you are.

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