I've been using Qimage, a printing utility, for years. Its resampling
system automatically resamples your image to your printer's native
resolution during printing (without altering the image file itself),
which really does seem to result in improved detail. It also does
non-destructive cropping and arrangement of multiple prints on a
single sheet of paper.

But today I discovered one of its best features. Have you ever run a
inkjet head test pattern and discovered you need to run a cleaning
cycle? And then cringed at the thought of how much expensive ink was
being used in the process? Yeah. Been there, done that. But I just
discovered can run its own cleaning cycle, independent of the print
driver and - get this - you can have it run the cycle ONLY for the ink
that's showing problems! BRILLIANT!

I would rhetorically ask why the printer manufacturers don't offer the
same option... but since they're the one's who sell ink I expect
everyone can work it out.

Mark Roberts - Photography and Multimedia

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