On 9/9/19, William Robb, discombobulated, unleashed:

>It really just goes to show how absolutely dangerous and foolhardy it is to
>elect populists to power.
>They are generally incompetent, have no real leadership skills, and are
>only good at the required to be a populist  job of self aggrandizement.
>Johnson is a poster boy for clueless buffoons everywhere, and he seems
>proud to be taking his cues on the subject from trump.
>trump, at least, has shown the world how completely hypocritical American
>conservatives are and, unfortunately, how untrustworthy the United States
>actually is. He had boldly shown that eventually, the USA turns on
>everyone, including it's own citizens.
>Both will go down as the worst individuals ever to be elected to office
>Neither can be referred to as leaders, since neither has the ability or the
>inclination to lead.
>Both are in it purely for personal enrichment.

Only one thing I would amend: 'Johnson is a hideous poster boy.....'



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