“Populist” is the most abused word in the English language. In truth it just 
means someone who supports the little guy and plays to majority opinion. Today, 
it’s used to describe anyone leftists don’t like. I don’t like Trump and am 
reserving judgement on Johnson, but neither is truly a populist.

As someone will undoubtedly point out, none of this crap belongs in the list.

> On Sep 9, 2019, at 1:45 PM, William Robb <anotherdrunken...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It really just goes to show how absolutely dangerous and foolhardy it is to
> elect populists to power.
> They are generally incompetent, have no real leadership skills, and are
> only good at the required to be a populist  job of self aggrandizement.
> Johnson is a poster boy for clueless buffoons everywhere, and he seems
> proud to be taking his cues on the subject from trump.
> trump, at least, has shown the world how completely hypocritical American
> conservatives are and, unfortunately, how untrustworthy the United States
> actually is. He had boldly shown that eventually, the USA turns on
> everyone, including it's own citizens.
> Both will go down as the worst individuals ever to be elected to office
> anywhere.
> Neither can be referred to as leaders, since neither has the ability or the
> inclination to lead.
> Both are in it purely for personal enrichment.
> -- 
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