Dear Joe,
I've been reading the quotes you supplied with interest. I'm trying to formulate a good question but can't.  Could you say a bit about what you think are some of the main issues, points of interest or conclusions to be taken from these passages.  If you have the time and inclination I'd be very interested in your thoughts.  I'm struggling with how much meaning is inherent in the sensuous impression vs how much of meaning is a matter of interpretation  -- just to give you an example of a bad question! Maybe that's what I'm seeking from you  -- can you give provide me better question to guide my inquiry into these exeprts?  What is fundamentally at issue here from Peire's standpoint?
Jim Piat

I append to this message some quotes from Peirce that might be helpful as regards cognitive synthesis, for what it's worth.  (I picked them up from a string search of the CP on "synthesis" and they looked like they might be pertinent.)

Joe Ransdell

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