>       To listen to some ecologists, you'd think that extinction and
>evolution never occurred.   I don't see any dinosaurs around.  Do you? 
>       peace

Rabbi Louis Proyect:
The Marxist paleontologist Steven Jay Gould has written intelligently about
this topic, as opposed to this sort of off-the-cuff impression from our
"enlightened one." The dinosaurs were extremely well-adapted to their
environment. Their extinction was related to a deus-ex-machina event, the
explosion of a huge comet that ushered in an ice age.

Such a deus-ex-machina is very likely in store for us, the dinosaurs of the
current age. That could be either nuclear war or catastrophic global
warming. If either of these events occur, we will become as extinct as the
brontosaurus no matter how "adapted" we are to our current environment.

           gefilte fish

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