----- Original Message -----
From: "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 9:38 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:22002] RE: Re: the profit rate & recession

Michael Perelman writes: > Thank you, Rakesh.  I have repeated a
theme in almost all of my writings -- but with a little bit
different twist.
Low profits suggests heightened competition, which calls for more
investment.  This investment goes unnoticed in the macroeconomic
because of the manner in which investments is reported.<

Duménil and Lévy argue that a low profit rate encourages
capitalists to
respond in a more extreme way to economic shocks. That makes sense
to me.

> While gross investment may be higher during a boom, when profits
are low
> companies intensively invest in improving their old capital

Most or all of what's described below is "disinvestment," purging
the oldest
or most obsolete capital equipment. Unlike net investment, it
doesn't create
aggregate demand or help realize profits. It does have a beneficial
supply-side effect for the capitalists. Part of the reason for the
recovery of profitability in the United States from the 1980s to
the 1990s
was the shake-out of the 1980s, which involved disinvestment: very
old steel
mills, for example, were shut down, helping to create the "rust
belt." This
set the stage for investment in more up-to-date mini-mills
specialty steel and for the shift of the old-fashioned steel
industry to
places outside of the U.S.

Was it uncompetitive capital-labor ratio costs or the overvalued
dollar or both that transformed the US steel industry?


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