Clinton A . Pierce wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 01:02:06PM +0100, Simon Myers wrote:
> > Ah.  Then I can just do:
> >   C:\My Documents\Perl>
> > and it will run it that there Command Prompt window?
> Yes.  But only if the associations are built correctly and supported.

Some further caveats about Windows' default command processors.

In my experience (and someone correct me if I'm wrong; it's been a while),
the above syntax won't work in Win95 using  (Never tried
Win98.)  You must run the perl interpreter directly, e.g.,

   C:\My Documents\Perl>perl

On NT4.0 using cmd.exe, you can simply invoke the script by name/extension.
However, if you do so, command-line redirection and piping are broken; you
can't go

   C:\My Documents\Perl> >myfile.txt

and expect anything other than a zero-byte output file.  Similarly, 

   C:\My Documents\Perl> |more

sends its output to nullsville.  Both will work if you expressly run perl,
rather than the script.

I haven't tried Win2k, so I don't know whether they've improved the command
processor there.

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