Cutting your example down to what's necessary, you are forgetting about the non-client area of the window - child windows have that as well as top-level windows, it's just more obvious on top-level windows.

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI();
use Win32::GUI::Grid();

my $TopWindow = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -title => 'GUI Editor',
    -pos   => [30,20],
    -size  => [570,450],

my $Grid = $TopWindow->AddGrid (
    -name         => "GRID",
    -columns      =>  2,
    -rows         =>  10,
    -fixedcolumns =>  1,
    -fixedrows    =>  1,

# "Virtual" dimensions are the required
# client area. If we don't want scrollbars
# we must take into account the non-client areas ...
my $Width  = $Grid->GetVirtualWidth();
my $Height = $Grid->GetVirtualHeight();

# Make the window too big, so that it doesn't
# have scrollbars, as they would be included
# in the non-client area
$Grid->Resize($Width+20, $Height+20);

# Calculate the required non-client sizes.
# From Win32::GUI::Tutorial Part 1
my $ncw = $Grid->Width() - $Grid->ScaleWidth();
my $nch = $Grid->Height() - $Grid->ScaleHeight();

# and finally resize the window taking into
# account the non-client areas
$Grid->Resize($Width + $ncw, $Height + $nch);


Sorry about the rant yesterday.


Arthur Schwarz wrote:
<snip - missing rant>
use Win32::GUI; # Binding to Win32 GUI
use Win32::GUI::Grid;           # Thin binding to Win32 GUI Grid
use integer;
  my $TopWindow = new Win32::GUI::Window(       # Create Main Window
        -name         => 'TopWindow',
        -left         => 30,
        -height       => 450,
        -title        => 'GUI Editor',
        -top          => 20,
        -width        => 570,
  my $Grid = $TopWindow->AddGrid(   # Create Grid object
        -columns           =>  2,
        -fixedcolumns      =>  1,
        -fixedrows         =>  1,
        -name              =>  "Property Grid",
        -pos               =>  [ 390, 0 ],
        -rows              =>  10,
        -visible           =>  1,
  my $Grid1= $TopWindow->AddGrid(   # Create Grid object
        -columns           =>  2,
        -fixedcolumns      =>  1,
        -fixedrows         =>  1,
        -name              =>  "Property Grid",
        -pos               =>  [ 100, 0 ],
        -rows              =>  10,
        -visible           =>  1,
$Grid->SetCellText(0, 0, "Property" );
  $Grid->SetCellText(0, 1, "Value" );
$Grid1->SetCellText(0, 0, "Property" );
  $Grid1->SetCellText(0, 1, "Value" );
print "\n"; my $TotalHeight = $Grid->GetRowHeight(0);
  my $Height;
print "Row = 0 Height = [ $TotalHeight, $TotalHeight ])\n"; for my $row (1..$Grid->GetRows()) {
    $Grid->SetCellText($row, 0, "Property $row " );
    $Grid1->SetCellText($row,0, "Property $row " );
for my $row (1..4) {
    my $col = 1;
    $Grid->SetCellText($row, $col, "Cell : <$row, $col>");
    $Grid1->SetCellText($row,$col, "Cell : <$row, $col>");
                   , GVIT_COMBO,   GVIT_LIST, GVIT_URL,     GVIT_NUMERIC) {
    $Height       = $Grid->GetRowHeight($row);
    $TotalHeight += $Height;
    print "Row = $row Height = [ $Height, $TotalHeight ])\n";
    $Grid->SetCellType($row,   1, $CellType);
    $Grid1->SetCellType($row++,1, $CellType);
$Grid->SetCellCheck ( 5, 1, 1 );
  $Grid1->SetCellCheck ( 5, 1, 1 );
my $Width = $Grid->GetVirtualWidth(); #+20;
  my $Height = $Grid->GetVirtualHeight();   #+10;
$Grid->SetCellOptions( 6, 1, [ "Combo", "Box", "New" ]);
  $Grid->SetCellOptions( 7, 1, [ "List",  "Box", "New" ]);
  $Grid->Resize($Width, $Height);
$Grid1->SetCellOptions( 6, 1, [ "Combo", "Box", "New" ]);
  $Grid1->SetCellOptions( 7, 1, [ "List",  "Box", "New" ]);
  $Grid1->Resize($Width+6, $Height+6);
print "\n Actual Virtual W/O Bars\n";
  printf("Height %5d   %7d %8d\n", $TotalHeight, $Grid->GetVirtualHeight, 
  printf("Width  %5d   %7d %8d\n", $Grid->GetColumnWidth(0) + 
                                 , $Grid->GetVirtualWidth()
                                 , $Grid->GetVirtualWidth()+6 );
    $TopWindow->Show();                             # makes TopWindow visible
  Win32::GUI::Dialog();                           # Windows control loop

Robert May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Arthur Schwarz wrote:
Grid (again).

My grid has a cell with a list in it. I don't know if that's significant but:
1: The reported grid Width is too small and a horizontal scroll bar is 
presented, and
2: The reported grid height is too short and a vertical scroll bar is presented.

The dimensions are:

[virtual virtual + ]

With W/o scroll bar
[ 156 176 ] width
[ 190 200 ] height


Please take the time to post a *short*, but complete, example of the problem that you are asking for help with. It is very time consuming to put together example scripts to see if I can see the same behaviour, especially if I don't have any detailed knowledge of the control that you are talking about. Please read this if you haven't before:

That said, if you're trying to autosize the grid, then I doubt that it takes into account any extra space required for any controls that may be needed - but we'd have to read the documentation for the underlying Grid Control, which on my previous forays I have discovered to be rather sparse, leaving us only the underlying source code to unravel to work out what is going on.


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