Uff some _real_ progress! Athough I am not full satisfied.

> It may be worth downloading the latest version of either 5.8 or 10.0 as I
> know there were fixes in Perl itself that could be causing your problem.

1. Yes! Installing Perl 5.8.9 helps. No memory drifting. 

2. At last I have found this columns. Problem was I had a Polish version of 
Windows and I was unconsciensly looking for the word "columns" and not the 
Polish word "kolumny", which - as even no-Polish people can see - is the same 
word. I definitely work too much...

Finding the GDI objects number was crucial. It was written 10000 and maximum - 
according Microsoft is 65,536 (for XP). The number is written in registry 
under the key:


So I have too big succeses: no MAD efect and my application can work. One of 
my application biggest window has over 1000 GDI objects... wow! That was the 
reason that I could open it only 10 times! When I'll increase the 'quota' 
number I'll get rigths to open my windows about 60 times. Not bad!

I'am a little ironic, sorry of that! Luckily I have special way of acting my 
application, that the application windows are not removed but only hide and 
rising the 'quota' number helps a lot to remember full application in the 

However problem of reusing undefined objects remains. Now I know that it is not 
problem with the memory but with deleting graphical objects. 

Jez I wonder what is a differences between your and my installations of 
Win32::GUI (and windows) that I have problem with GDI objects number (objects 
are not deleted) and you not? 

I have checked Perl 5.8.9(829) from 21-01-2011 08:00:46.
I use also Prima and I do not find version for Perl 5.10 - I have for 5.12 (the 
newest). Is it save to install Win32::GUI from Perl 5.10 in Perl 5.12?

Thank you Jez for help!

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