Can anyone help.

I created a textfield

$win = Win32::GUI::Window->new( 
        -name           => 'Main',
        -text           => 'Project Details',
        -width  => $totalWidth,
        -height => $totalHeight,
        -minSize        => [$totalWidth, $totalHeight],

$obj = $win->AddTextfield(      
        -text           => $text,               # test1, test2, test3
        -name           => $name,
        -height => $height,
        -style  =>
        -width  => $width,
        #-prompt        => [$text." test"],

In fact a number of them. The idea was to fill some text when finished hit
"RETURN" or "TAB" to move onto the next one and shift TAB to go backwards.

Well I worked out how to keep the display of the text clean but when I hit
"RETURN" it just Beeps at me if I hit "TAB" I get a "TAB"

This is my change function.

sub test1_Change                        # test2, test3 ....
        print $obj->Text();

How do I get it to move around to the different text boxes when I have
finished my input??

How do I capture keystrokes? eg shift TAB, Return??

Is there a better way??

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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