On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Nathan Wiger wrote:

> "Bryan C. Warnock" wrote:
> >
> > ... is the cause for this.  All the discussion is taking place in the
> > master list before the sublists are spawned.  You can only express the
> > opinion that foo is not bar and never should be so many times.
> I agree. I think the trend should be to establish some permanent
> sublists, which we're informally leaning towards already. Something
> like:
>    -io       = ALL I/O issues, like open/socket/filehandles
>    -subs     = ALL sub/method/func issues, like lvalue subs
>    -strict   = ALL lexical/global variable scoping issues
>    -objects  = ALL OO and module issues
>    -flow     = ALL flow/threading issues
>    -errors   = ALL error handling issues
>    -datetime = ALL date/time/etc issue

        I'd like to see this as well.  However, I'd like to see some
fairly clearly definitions of what each list is and is not intended to
cover--I'm not suggesting that we be Draconian about it, but some of these
things blur.  For example, a closure could be see as a subroutine, so it
should go to -subs, but it can also be used as an object, so it should go
to -OO.  Subroutine calls are a flow issue, so do I post something about
subs to -subs or to -flow?  You get the idea.


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