As the hash syntax is being worked out, I thought it'd be a good time to
ask if the following will be supported in some form:

If I have some structure like %foo{"monday"}, %foo{"tuesday"} etc,
I can set their values enmass using:
        %foo<<monday tuesday wednesday>> = <<a b c>>;

What if I had
        %foo{"monday"}{"food_expenditure"}   = 10;
        %foo{"tuesday"}{"fuel_expenditure"}  = 100;
        %foo{"monday"}{"food_expenditure"}   = 15;
        %foo{"tuesday"}{"fuel_expenditure"}  = 150;

Can I say %foo... = <<10 100 15 150>>;
        for some definition of ...?

I don't claim that we'd need that frequently.

We probably do need the array version of the same problem frequently,

        @matrix... = <<1 0 0 1>>;

At least we'd need it more frequently if we had it. A2 says that something
like this will be supported, come A9.


Abhijit A. Mahabal

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