Contact Gretchen Anderson at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History who I believe you met in Montreal at the Conference in May. She teaches our course on Integrated Pest Management. If you need her contact info let me know.

Brad Bredehoft
Museum Study, LLC

On 11/8/2016 10:44 AM, Erika Range wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am doing a quick survey of other institutions policies when it comes to pest management. I work for a large national museum in Ottawa and we are reviewing our policies. Our museum, like many others have begun hosting large catered events as an additional source of revenue in these challenging times. We hire an external contractor to implement our pest management program (apparently as a cost cutting measure), but are disappointed in the results and the amount of our time which goes into training these contractors. Does anyone out there have experience with implementing policies around the expectations for these external companies/contractors? OR do you have experience with implementing plans which correlate to hosted/catered events?

We are also reviewing our freezing policies, and we tend to freeze everything that comes in or out of collections and exhibit space, (building materials, specimens, artifacts etc) as a pest infestation would be devastating to our collection. We are curious as to the freezing policies other institutions have specifically around freezing non-collection materials. Could anyone share their experiences?

A reply through pest-list is fine, but I'm also happy to discuss further using <>

Kindest regards,

Erika Range

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