On 14/03/2008, Steve Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > What can I say?  96% of personal computers run some form of
>  > windows.  Does that mean it's a superior product to a PC running
>  > Linux, or a Mac w/  MacOS?
>  > I'd say "no" (actually more like "NOOO!"), because windows doesn't let
>  > me do 80% of the things that I do (need to do) with my PC.
>  >
>  > >From the fact hat the user-base is so massive, can I deduce that
>  > windows is superior in terms of security or easy maintenance?
>  > My personal experience says "No, no way".

> Whoa! Sure glad I read this thread. I was about to buy a Bentley but now
>  that I know that sales figures are the sole measure of quality I can see
>  that the Kia is clearly a superior vehicle.

Heh. :}

A silly question in this context:  If we know of a company that does use
PostgreSQL but doesn't list it anywhere ... can we
tahttp://www.securecomputing.com/techpubsRC.cfm?pid=85ke the liberty
publicise this somewhere anyway?

E.g. the  control center (
http://www.securecomputing.com/techpubsRC.cfm?pid=85 )
uses postgres, the only official attribution (I've seen the binaries in the
file-system) is that their product uses port 5432 in the manual.


P.S.: This is all really starting to belong to advocacy :}

Please don't top post, and don't use HTML e-Mail :}  Make your quotes concise.


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