I am trying to deploy a Pharo 1.3 image using Goods and running into some basic 
issues where my objects are not persisted by reachability.
eg I put dictionary x at root under a key 'test'
eg db root at: 'test' put x.
db commit.
Then at x i updated instance variable and add something to its dictionary and 
eg x intancevariable y at: 'key' put 'zzzz'
db commit

looking at the root x does not get updated with y.

I have the majority of the test cases pasing except for testIdentitySet and 

In testIdentitySet the following failure 
| set x y y2 |
        set := KKIdentitySet database: dbOne.
        x := 1@1.
        y := 2@2.
        set add: x.
        set add: y.
        self assert: (set includes: x).
        self assert: (set includes: y).
        self deny: (set includes: 1@1).  -->fails

set = (2@2,1@1)
so it seems to think that x and 1@1 are the same.  Which to me seems correct 
but I may be misunderstanding the testcase.

Any thoughts or pointers to update my mistakes in using Goods db would be 

On Oct 31, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:

> 13320
> -----
> Issue 4945:   Weird Settings filtering
>       http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=4945
> --
> Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de

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