This is a Sonora Grand (third from top of the line --- first the Supreme,
followed by the Invincible, then the Grand).  No, you should not be
surprised by the metal tonearm.   All Supremes do have wooden tonearms as
far as I know, but not all Grands or Invincibles have them --- some had
metal tonearms.   Examples of high-end Sonoras in oak are harder to come by
than the more common mahogany ones.   I have never seen an oak Sonora with
an oak tonearm, although they were supposedly available according to Sonora
machine catalogs.   I have asked some of the biggest collectors/dealers in
the country about the existence of oak Sonora tonearms --- none have ever
actually seen an oak Sonora tonearm.  I can send more pics of machines if


On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Richard <> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me which model of Sonora phonograph this is? It looks to
> be one of their higher-end bombe machines, but I've always had trouble
> identifying particular Sonora models. If it is a higher-end machine, should
> I be surprised that it doesn't have a wooden tone arm? (Do those wooden
> tone arms really sound better, for that matter?) And am I the only one
> who's never seen a Sonora in oak before? It seems to me every one I've ever
> seen has been mahogany. Thoughts?Oh, and if anyone has one of these and
> would like to share photos of it, I'd appreciate it; I'm especially curious
> about what it's supposed to look like with the doors open.
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