The Victor book gives some tips on reducing hum, such as checking the plate
tightness, and adding felt between cabinet and motorboard.  There are no
circuit components other than switches.    Have you checked with George
Vollema for the tone arm bracket?  I understand that Wyatt Marcus is doing
really good Orth reproducer rebuilds.


Ron L


From: Phono-L [] On Behalf Of Robert
Wright via Phono-L
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 9:03 PM
To: Phono L
Cc: Robert Wright
Subject: [Phono-L] Victor VE8-12X tonearm mounting bracket


Hey everyone, hope all is well with you folks! I need a whole new tonearm
mounting bracket assembly for a Victor VE8-12X that I just got. This one is
totally and utterly wrecked. Anyone know who's selling repros? Ron Sitko?
JAS? Anyone have current contact info for a dealer who would have some?


Also, has anyone rebuilt one of these electric platter motors? This one
works great, but it has a really loud mechanical 60Hz hum. I want to replace
any components in the circuit that I can, and also do a full cleaning and
lube job, but I would really like to know what I'm getting into first.


And lastly, anyone have Walt's current info in case I want to have him
rebuild this reproducer?


Thanks a million!


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