Ah so the key is to have the connections in a list, I should have understood

Thanks for the help, I'll try it out!

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 03:17:55PM +0200, Henrik Sarvell wrote:
> > So I gather the *Ext mapping is absolutely necessary regardless of
> whether
> > remote or ext is used.
> Yes.
> Only in case you do not intend to communicate whole objects between the
> remote and local application, but only scalar data like strings,
> numbers, or lists of those. I would say this would be quite a
> limitation. You need to communicate whole objects, at least because you
> want to compare them locally to find the biggest (see below).
> > I took at the *Ext section again, could I use this maybe:
> >
> > (setq *Ext  # Define extension functions
> > ...
> >                               (off Sock) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
> >       '(localhost localhost)
> >       '(4041 4042)
> >       (40 80) ) )
> Yes, that's good. The example in the docu was not sufficient, as it has
> a single port hard-coded.
> > And then with *ext* I need to create that single look ahead queue in the
> > local code you talked about earlier, but how?
> The look ahead queue of a single object per connection consisted simply of
> a list, the first result sent from each remote host.
> What I did was:
> 1. Starting a new query, a list of connections to all remote hosts is
>   opened:
>      (extract
>         '((Agent)
>            (query> Agent <arguments>) )
>         (list of agents) )
>   This returns a list of all agent objects who succeeded to connect. I
>   used that list to initialize a Pilog query.
> 2. Then you fetch the first answer from each connection. I used a method
>   'rd1>' in the agent class for that:
>      (extract 'rd1> (list of open agents))
>   'extract' is used here, as it behaves like 'mapcar' but filters all
>   NIL items out of the result. A NIL item will be returned in the frst
>   'extract' if the connection cannot be openend, and in the second one
>   if that remote host has no results to send.
>   So now you have a list of results, the first (highest, biggest,
>   newest?) object from each remote host.
> 3. Now the main query loop starts. Each time a new result is requested,
>   e.g. from the GUI, you just need to find the object with the highest,
>   biggest, newest attribute in that list. You take it from the list
>   (e.g. with 'prog1'), and immediately fill the slot in the list by
>   calling 'rd1>' for that host again.
>   If that 'rd1>' returns NIL, it means this remote hosts has no more
>   results, so you delete it from the list of open agents. If it returns
>   non-NIL, you store the read value into the slot.
> In that way, the list of received items constitutes a kind of look-ahead
> structure, always containing the items which might be returned next to
> the caller.
> > I mean at the moment the problem is that I get too many articles in my
> local
> > code since all the remotes send all their articles at once, thus swamping
> There cannot be any swamping. All remote processes will send their
> results, yes, but only until the TCP queue fills up, or until they have
> no more results. The local process doesn't see anything of that, it just
> fetches the next result with 'rd1>' whenever it needs one.
> You don't have to worry at all whether the GUI calls for the next result
> 50 times, or 10000 times. Each time simply the next result is returned.
> This works well, and produces not more load than is necessary.
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --
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