Hi Henrik,

> One final question, how did you define the rd1> mechanism?

In the mentioned case, I used the followin method in the +Agent class

   (dm rd1> (Sock)
      (when (assoc Sock (: socks))
         (rot (: socks) (index @ (: socks)))
         (ext (: ext)
               (in Sock (rd))
                  (close Sock)
                  (pop (:: socks)) ) ) ) ) )

This looks a little complicated, as each agent maintains a list of open
sockets (in 'socks'). But if you omit the 'socks' management, it is
basically just

   (ext (: ext) (in Sock (rd)))

followed by 'close' if the remote side closed the connection.

> Simply doing:
> (dm rd1> (Sock)
>    (in Sock (rd)))
> will read the whole result, not just the first result, won't it?

This should not be the case. It depends on what the other side sends. If
it sends a list, you'll get the whole list. In the examples we
discussed, however, the query results were sent one by one.

> I'm a little bit confused since it says in the reference that rd will
> "read the first item from the current input channel" but when I look

Yes, analog to 'read', 'line', 'char' etc.

> Maybe something is needed on the remote? At the moment there is simply
> a collect and sort by there.

Could it be that remote sends the result of 'collect'? This would be the
whole list then.

- Alex
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