Dear PicoLisp programmers,

I'll be introducing PicoLisp to two young  exceptionally bright
sibling children (Ojas, boy age 9 years and Oshin, girl age 11 years, who
are in homeschool) who have no experience of computer science and

PicoLisp being the most advanced computational framework and perfect model
language suits best for this purpose.

Migrating from one language to another becomes a tough job later in life.
Such as children knowing Sanskrit/German as their first language will find
them easy than people who learn them later in lives after already speaking
English (or any other language for that matter).

I'm very excited to begin this as it is a radical approach and is extremely

 I am considering what and how I should start. And at what stage should
they be introduced to C and Assembly?

I want them to get idea of PicoLisp as the language for handling all their
day to day projects that they'll be needing to do in coming days, and later
in life.

I also plan to introduce PicoLisp in local communities and schools
depending on my experience with them. You may be aware that proponents of
other Lisps such as are putting lot of effort
with beginner level, easy to programme colorful pictures, animations and
graphics to provide lively introduction to young students to introduce
their language as first language early in their lives, even as a tool to
learn elementary Math, Science and also to make beautiful presentations.

Children will find it extremely attractive if they can create something out
of PicoLisp, like diagrams, presentations, Math (using svg library to make
geometric shapes, plot graphs etc).

These are some of my ideas that I'll be trying to implement. Yet I'll also
be needing help of other PicoLisp programmers in this regard.

Active cooperation, reviews, feedback and suggestions are welcome.


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