On Jun 16, 2006, at 10:41 PM, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
I see your point. But the problem is that these medicine books are available only on this format. My view is that plucker would be more interesting to me if it could support more file types, like OpenOffice support Microsoft formats. This is not to start a fight. I just asked to know the possibility of developing for another characteristic for Plucker.

Sure, have the iSilo author make the format for his .pdb files public and we'll see if someone from the community decides to add support to Plucker for them.

I think a better idea is a converter than iSilo support. The Plucker Viewer is optimized for the Plucker format. To add support, e.g., for tables ala iSilo (which does have better table support than Plucker--it's one of the few genuine advantages of iSilo), would be a non-trivial task that would add bloat. The best idea is probably an iSilo->html decompiler, so one could then convert to Plucker or to any other format.

In the meanwhile, you can lobby the publisher, telling them of the tens of thousands of Plucker users (do we have any count?) and tons of texts in Plucker format. Project Gutenberg has 18,000 ebooks and as far as I can tell every book in it as available in Plucker format from www.gutenberg.org. Plucker etext generation is easily scriptable, so they could probably have a completely automated workflow for churning them out. I am sure a number of people from the Plucker Core team would be willing to consult on this workflow (for a fee or likely even for free).


Alexander R Pruss
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
Georgetown University


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