On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 11:16:36PM -0400, Alexander R Pruss wrote:

> I think a better idea is a converter than iSilo support.  The Plucker
> Viewer is optimized for the Plucker format.  To add support, e.g.,
> for tables ala iSilo (which does have better table support than
> Plucker--it's one of the few genuine advantages of iSilo), would be a
> non-trivial task that would add bloat.  The best idea is probably an
> iSilo->html decompiler, so one could then convert to Plucker or to
> any other format.
I fully agree. Until there will be 512M/2GHz handheld devices in the
everyday usage, the readers should be kept small, fast and fine-tuned
for their respective document formats.

At least it can be meaningful to lobby the iSilo developers for creation
of the decompiler for their files.

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