On Tue, 26 Mar 2024, Ben Koenig wrote:

We also have a standard udev.d setup in lib/udev/rules.d/ and
/etc/udev/rules.d/. The only difference is that we
use eudev rather than the systemd nonsense.


Thank you. I thought I had looked in /lib, but obviously I didn't. Mea

Rich, the files in /dev/disk/by-path are all symlinks, use ls -l to view
them. They should link to the normal drive names, however by-path names
don't change per device, they change per port. So all USB drives plugged
into a given port will use the same name in by-path, even if the drive
letter changes.

Ah, so. I saw they were symlinks but didn't follow them to their hard links.

This topic is not an issue on a desktop that's infrequently rebooted or laptop
that has only one drive. I'm developing this desktop to boot into either
Slackware64-14.2 or -15.0, I think that whether the USB port is /dev/sdg or
/dev/sdh upon rebooting depends on whether it's raining.

Your Slackware lessons are always valuable and appreciated.

Best regards,


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